GKS TychyJKH GKS JastrzębieGKS Tychy-JKH GKS JastrzębieWould like to watch the match?The legal broadcast of the match in excellent quality is available right now. You only need:1Follow the link and sign up2Watch broadcasts without advertisingSign up
DrawGKS Tychy4KH Sanok0JKH GKS Jastrzębie4KH Energa Toruń2Tauron KH GKS Katowice4Zagłębie Sosnowiec0Unia Oświęcim4Comarch Cracovia0GKS Tychy2JKH GKS Jastrzębie2Tauron KH GKS Katowice2Unia Oświęcim2