KH SanokGKS TychyKH Sanok-GKS TychyWatch match review on YouTubeThe legal broadcast of the match in excellent quality is available right now. You only need:1Follow the link and sign up2Watch broadcasts without advertisingSee review
DrawGKS Tychy4KH Sanok0JKH GKS Jastrzębie4KH Energa Toruń2Tauron KH GKS Katowice4Zagłębie Sosnowiec0Unia Oświęcim4Comarch Cracovia0GKS Tychy4JKH GKS Jastrzębie2Tauron KH GKS Katowice4Unia Oświęcim2GKS TychyTauron KH GKS Katowice0GKS TychyTauron KH GKS Katowice0Unia OświęcimJKH GKS Jastrzębie0