Barton H. vs Skatov T. Prediction Liza Pro Tipster

Match venue
19.09.202408:00 AM
  • Sibiu, Romania Men Singles
  • Sibiu (Centre Court)
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Barton H.

Barton H.

Barton H. is in solid form, having won four out of his last five matches. His recent performances have been impressive, particularly his victory against Den Ouden G. where he showcased strong serving with 7 aces and a high first serve points win percentage of 74%. Barton has been consistent in his service games, winning a significant number of them. His ability to save break points has also been notable, as seen in his match against Snitari I. where he saved 60% of break points. However, he did face a tough loss against Choinski J., indicating some areas for improvement, particularly in return games.
Skatov T.

Skatov T.

Skatov T. has shown resilience and strong form, winning four out of his last five matches. His performance against Agamenone F. was particularly commendable, with a high second serve return points win percentage of 65% and converting 6 break points. Skatov's service games have been robust, and he has demonstrated the ability to come back from challenging situations, as seen in his match against Harris B. where he saved 80% of break points. However, his match against Hurkacz H. highlighted some vulnerabilities, especially in handling aces and double faults.

H2H statistics

  • Home team logo100% (1)
  • Matches1
  • The biggest draw0
  • The most effective match2-0


Home team logo



Away team logo

Scored goals

Home team logo



Away team logo

Average per game

Home team logo



Away team logo

The biggest victory

Home team logo



Away team logo
Barton H.
Barton H.
  • Wins1
  • Draws0
  • Losses0
Skatov T.
Skatov T.
  • Wins0
  • Draws0
  • Losses1

Barton H.

Sibiu, Romania Men Singles

Skatov T.

Barton H.

Barton H.

  • 5Matches
  • 9Goals
  • 1.8Goal per game
  • 4Wins
  • 0Draws
  • 1Losses
19.09, 08:00

Barton H.

home team logo
away team logo

Skatov T.

17.09, 12:30

Den Ouden G.

home team logo
away team logo

Barton H.

16.09, 08:00

Barton H.

home team logo
away team logo

Snitari I.

15.09, 09:10

Barton H.

home team logo
away team logo

Popescu M.

11.09, 16:00

Barton H.

home team logo
away team logo

Choinski J.

Skatov T.

Skatov T.

  • 5Matches
  • 6Goals
  • 1.2Goal per game
  • 3Wins
  • 0Draws
  • 2Losses
19.09, 08:00

Barton H.

home team logo
away team logo

Skatov T.

18.09, 07:30

Agamenone F.

home team logo
away team logo

Skatov T.

27.08, 15:00

Skatov T.

home team logo
away team logo

Hurkacz H.

22.08, 17:15

Harris B.

home team logo
away team logo

Skatov T.

21.08, 21:05

Zhukayev B.

home team logo
away team logo

Skatov T.


Barton H.Barton H.-Skatov T.Skatov T.

18 hours ago
Bet: Total games won Over 21.5 
Will this prediction work?0 votes

