Kukushkin M. has been struggling recently, with a series of challenging matches. His performance has been inconsistent, as seen in his game against Lajal M., where he lost 0-2. Despite having a decent first serve percentage, his ability to convert those into points has been lacking. Kukushkin's return game also needs improvement, as he has been unable to capitalize on break points effectively. His best performance in recent times was against Fonseca J., where he managed to secure a win with a 2-1 scoreline, showcasing his potential when in form.
Kovalik J.
Kovalik J. has shown a mixed bag of performances, but overall, he seems to be in better form compared to his opponent. He demonstrated resilience and skill in his match against Holmgren A., winning 2-1. Kovalik's serve is a strong aspect of his game, with a good number of aces and a solid first serve percentage. However, he needs to work on reducing double faults and improving his break point conversion rate. His recent loss to Tien L. highlighted some areas for improvement, particularly in maintaining consistency throughout the match.