Ambrogi L. vs Habib H. Prediction Liza Pro Tipster

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22.08.202410:20 AM
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Ambrogi L.

Ambrogi L.

Ambrogi L. is currently in good form, having won four of his last five matches. His recent victories include a strong performance against Strombachs R., where he won 2-0. Ambrogi's serve has been particularly effective, with a high first-serve percentage and several aces in recent matches. For example, against Bašić M., he recorded 8 aces and saved 70% of break points. However, he did face a setback against Juarez F., losing 0-2, which highlighted some vulnerabilities in his return game.
Habib H.

Habib H.

Habib H. has shown resilience and skill in his recent matches, winning three out of his last five games. His notable performance came against Echargui M., where he won 2-1, demonstrating strong service games and effective break points conversion. Habib's serve has been a key asset, with a high percentage of first-serve points won and several aces, as seen in his match against Pavlovic L. However, he did struggle against Planinsek F., losing 1-2, which exposed some inconsistencies in his game.

H2H statistics

  • Away team logo100% (1)
  • Matches1
  • The biggest draw0
  • The most effective match0-2


Home team logo



Away team logo

Scored goals

Home team logo



Away team logo

Average per game

Home team logo



Away team logo

The biggest victory

Home team logo



Away team logo
Ambrogi L.
Ambrogi L.
  • Wins0
  • Draws0
  • Losses1
Habib H.
Habib H.
  • Wins1
  • Draws0
  • Losses0

Ambrogi L.

Habib H.

Ambrogi L.

Ambrogi L.

  • 5Matches
  • 6Goals
  • 1.2Goal per game
  • 3Wins
  • 0Draws
  • 2Losses
17.09, 17:25

Leite W.

home team logo
away team logo

Ambrogi L.

25.08, 10:00

Ambrogi L.

home team logo
away team logo

Mikrut L.

22.08, 10:20

Ambrogi L.

home team logo
away team logo

Habib H.

21.08, 07:00

Strombachs R.

home team logo
away team logo

Ambrogi L.

20.08, 08:55

Ambrogi L.

home team logo
away team logo

Bašić M.

Habib H.

Habib H.

  • 5Matches
  • 8Goals
  • 1.6Goal per game
  • 4Wins
  • 0Draws
  • 1Losses
14.09, 09:50

Habib H.

home team logo
away team logo

Henning P.

27.08, 16:05

Habib H.

home team logo
away team logo

Dalla Valle E.

22.08, 10:20

Ambrogi L.

home team logo
away team logo

Habib H.

21.08, 07:00

Echargui M.

home team logo
away team logo

Habib H.

20.08, 07:00

Pavlovic L.

home team logo
away team logo

Habib H.


Ambrogi L.Ambrogi L.-Habib H.Habib H.

Both Ambrogi L. and Habib H. have shown strong performances recently, but Ambrogi seems to have a slight edge in form. Ambrogi's consistent serve and ability to save break points have been crucial in his recent victories. On the other hand, Habib's resilience and service game make him a formidable opponent. While Ambrogi has a higher win rate in the last five matches, Habib's ability to win crucial points under pressure cannot be underestimated. This match promises to be a close contest, with both players bringing their strengths to the court.

28 days ago
Bet: Total games won Under 22.5 
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